Our Mission:

Our mission here at Calvary Chapel Desert Streams, is to fulfill God’s purpose for His Church. Many are confused about why they go to church. Some believe that church is what makes them a good person. That as long as they go to church every Sunday or most Sunday’s, God will be happy with them as opposed to if they didn’t go and have God angry with them. Problem is that church does not make someone righteous. The church can be filled with many unrighteous people. Some go to church to be entertained. They like the experience. They come only for the amazing worship or to hear a feel good message from the Pastor. Others go to church to be part of a social club…people that share the same views that they have. Which is right? All these reasons stated above have serious flaws and issues. So then “What is the Purpose of the Church?” We believe the Church exists for 3 purposes:

Purpose One

1)To glorify God. (1 Peter 2:9) God has called us out of the darkness into His marvelous light. He has made us a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, so as to proclaim His praises! The chief end of man’s being created is to know and glorify the God that made us! (Psalm 100:1-5)  We were made to know Him and enjoy Him forever.


Purpose Two

2) The edifying of the Saints. (Ephesians 4:11-15) God has given His Word, as well as differing gifts and ministries within the body of Christ for the equipping and edifying of the whole Church. This comes as we follow the pattern set by the early Church in Acts 2:42-47: The first century church gives us 4 key trademarks: Continuing steadfastly through God’s Word, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread (both communion and meals together), and prayer. As they were faithful and steadfast in these things, God equipped them by filling them with His Spirit, and they were edified. The church not only survived in the midst of intense persecution, it thrived and flourished!


Purpose Three

3) Making disciples. (Matthew 28:19,20) This is the commission or call of every believer. Within the church, if we are glorifying God and we are being equipped and edified for the work of the ministry through the teaching of God’s Word, we will naturally go out and share the hope of the gospel with others. It will be a natural byproduct of our love of God and our knowing His Word. We’re shown in these 2 verses the necessity of preaching the gospel. Having received, having heard, having known the grace of God through Jesus Christ, we are now obligated to let the world know of that same grace. (Romans 10:14,15)

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24,25 NLT